
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Master of Malt Blending Challenge > Part 2

Recently, we were delighted to be asked to contribute to an exciting project by Master of Malt, the innovative independent bottling and online whisky retailing company. The project was to create a new blended whisky for the Master of Malt portfolio and they invited 10 whisky blogs, including us, from around the world to take part. Each blog was sent an identical pack containing numerous whisky samples of differing ages and styles, plus various shapes and size of measuring equipment.

Our brief was to create our own blend from what was provided and send back the recipe to Master of Malt. This was done with much fun, experimentation and stress along the way. To read our perspective and findings on this first part of the process, click here.

Well, now the second part of the process is upon us. Master of Malt have now created each of the 10 whisky blend recipes that they received from the bloggers and have packaged them up in a set (pictured, above). This set, which has been named The Blogger's Blend, contains one 3cl sample of each blend and each sample is numbered 1-10. There is also a booklet that explains about each of the participating blogs. This special set is now available from and more information can been found on the Master of Malt blog. The Blogger's Blend costs £29.95 plus postage.

Naturally, we would love for this to be a success and have enjoyed taking part to date. We are proud of the blend that we have produced. However, the process doesn't end here ... within the set is also a voting form. Anyone that buys The Blogger's Blend set gets the chance to choose the winning blend from the 10 on offer. You simply pick your favourite, mark the corresponding number (1-10) on the form and send it back to Master of Malt! To remove any possible bias towards one blog or another, Master of Malt have not revealed which blog's whisky relates to which numbered sample.

We plan to review each blend in the set shortly and will continue to report on the further stages of the process, which includes the selection of the winning blend plus the naming of the whisky and the designing of the label. If you buy The Blogger's Blend set, then let us know what you think and hope that you enjoy the 10 whiskies!

master of malt logo

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